3 steps to starting a new business blog

Looking to create a business blog?

Today’s article demystifies the process for starting a blog, and covers the important (and often over-looked) first steps.

Need a reminder on the merits of blogging? See what cockroaches and BBQs taught me about blogging.

So you wanna start a blog…

It’s tempting to jump in and start writing your first post, but with a bit of research and planning you’ll give your business a much better chance of being found by your potential customers (isn’t that the goal?).

3 steps to starting a new business blog:

1. Conduct keyword research

  • Write a list of all the keywords and phrases you think people use when searching for your product/service in google
  • Use the google keyword planner to determine the search volumes for your list of keywords (this is the average number of people who enter each search term into google each month)
  • Take note of the most popular keywords from your list (those with the highest search volumes that closely relate to what you sell)

Notes: Skip this keyword research step and you’re simply hoping that someone will stumble across your blog by accident. Looking for more detail on keywords? See this guide to keyword research.

2. Write a list of article headlines

  • Brainstorm a list of blog article headlines that:
    1. Include the most popular keywords (from your findings above)
    2. Actually provide value or solve your customers problems
    3. Will make people want to read the full article (remember, the headline is the teaser!)

Notes: Remember to help first, sell second and avoid the trap of talking about your business. Whilst it’s ideal to include keywords within each headline, don’t over-do it – write for the customer first, search engine second.

Stuck for blog article ideas? Get in touch if you’d like my help.

3. Decide on your blogging frequency

  • Put dates beside each of your blog article headlines
  • Choose someone to hold you accountable to following the schedule you’ve outlined
  • Create your first blog article, and unleash it on the world!

Looking for more steps? Sorry to disappoint you.

Follow the guide above and you’re well placed for business blogging success.

ps – Like this article? You might like why blog writing is the new cold calling.