Is blog writing the new cold-calling?

Have you ever made a cold call?

Here’s what happened to me on my last cold call…

  • My palms were sweaty
  • I spoke way too fast
  • I couldn’t wait for it to be over

And the worst part of all? I only left a voice message!

Could blogging be the new cold calling for your business?

If you’re not into making sales calls, why not invest your energy into creating helpful blog articles than can reach hundreds (or thousands) of people over time?

3 reasons business blogging makes sense:

  1. It’s timeless (blog articles are like 24 hour online salespeople for your business)
  2. It demonstrates your expertise and credibility in your field
  3. It drives visitors to your website from google (and if your website is good then more visitors means more business)

And the best part?

Many businesses don’t appreciate the value of blog writing yet, so there could be an opportunity to take the lead in your industry or niche.

Why doesn’t everyone have a blog for their business?

Because blog writing takes guts.

  • It takes guts to deliver real value (without fear of your competitors seeing or stealing it)
  • It takes guts to resist the temptation to make every article an offer or a sales pitch
  • It takes guts to play the long game when everyone else is going for quick wins

Can I help you with your blog writing?

Call me on 07 394 4407 if you’d like my help or feedback.