Blog writing: Are you helping or selling?

If you’re anything like me, you hate being sold to.

And that’s because as customers, we’re absolutely sick and tired of it.

We’re sick of cold calls, sales letters and websites that push products and services on us.

Instead, we’re looking for solutions to our problems – we’re looking for help!

So are you selling or helping?

Does your blog or website push product?

Or does it genuinely help your prospects and customers with the challenges they face?

Exercise: Take a look at the example headlines below.

Which headlines are helping? and which are selling?

Real estate:

  • A. Why list your property with us?
  • B. How to prepare your house for sale


  • C. 10 tax minimisation tips for your business
  • D. How we can halve your tax bill


  • E. 5 things to consider when building a new home
  • F. 5 reasons to choose us for your new home

Answers at the bottom of this article.

And it’s not just about the headline.

The article you write has to deliver on the promise of your headline, and truly help your audience.

Disclaimer: Ok, this might not work for all industries – for instance, a blog article has never influenced which petrol station or cafe I visit. But if you solve problems, provide advice or swap time for money then I think it’s worth considering the difference between helping and selling – especially online.

Exercise answers: Helping (B, C, E) Selling (A, D, F)