Why you should start blogging (not blagging)

With the explosion of the internet and social media, it seems everyone’s an expert on something these days.

And you can be too.

The beauty of the World Wide Web is that it provides a platform for self-publishing like never before.

No longer are you restricted to print media.

Blogging is an important business tool that can raise brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.

It’s cost-effective and, when done well, produces quality leads.

But there’s a big difference between blogging and blagging. And you certainly don’t want the latter to be associated with your brand.

A blog should be well thought out, with a purpose in mind, but shouldn’t come across as an obvious sales pitch.

Think of it as relationship building. If you can offer people information that is interesting, engaging and useful they will keep coming back for more. And a captive audience is a marketer’s dream, right?

Here are our top 6 tips on how to blog like a professional:

Build trust

No-one likes a cold caller. Let your customers get to know you. A blog is a way of showcasing your expertise in your own, authentic voice.

Take it to the top

Blogs play an important role in search engine optimisation (SEO). The more keywords you use in your blogs, the higher you will rank on the search results page.

Lead the way

Sharing your knowledge on a public platform can position you as a leader in your field. You’ve got to be seen to be believed right?

Add value

We all like freebies. Blogging gives people something for free before they make a purchase. This creates a feel-good factor and sows the seeds of loyalty.

Build a database

By inviting people to sign up to your blog, you can build up your database at the same time. Emails gathered can cross-pollinate with your email marketing strategy.

Sharing is caring

Once published, a blog can take on a life of its own. One of the main advantages of blogging is that the content can be shared across multiple platforms, with one common denominator – the link always leads back to your website.

So, next time you see ‘www’ take it as a prompt to think ‘write, write, write’.

And if you don’t consider yourself a wordsmith, or need some assistance in getting started, we can help with that.