Riding shotgun

Over the past 9 months, I’ve been working on a side project.

And it’s nothing to do with Likeable.

In fact, it’s not even digital, it’s a real world product – a kids mountain bike seat.

It’s called the shotgun seat, and it’s designed by my friend Tom who’s pretty handy at making stuff.

Anyway, earlier this year, the local paper saw one of our Facebook posts, and asked to run a story. And towards the end of the interview, they asked for our web address.

So I made one up.

Because we didn’t actually have a web address or a website at that point. We hadn’t got around to it.

So overnight, and before the article went to print, I built a website.

And when the paper came out, not only was the website up, we’d added an email signup form, so that people could register for pre-orders.

And that turned out to be a great decision.

Because from the article, we had around 100 people enter their email address, and as a result, we pre-sold 46 shotgun seats – before we’d even made the product.

For me, it was a great reminder of the power of email marketing.

And if email marketing can create sales for a product that doesn’t exist yet, imagine what it could do for the products and services you sell everyday?

If you’re not leveraging email, we need to talk.

~ Dan

ps – more info about the shotgun seat here: