Lucky Lucky Noodle

Heard of Lucky Lucky Noodle?

It’s a pop-up noodle cart that’s leveraging social media, and from what I can see, it’s going pretty well for them.

How it works is, if you’d like some Asian noodles for lunch, you’ll need to keep an eye on their Facebook or Instagram to see where they’ll be that day, and what they’ll be serving.For example, I recently had their Chicken Laksa in a random Mount Maunganui carpark. And it was delicious. 🍜✌🏼

By changing things up, Lucky’s taken a unique approach compared to their food truck competitors. It also probably helps that their Facebook and Insta content is first class, with a real story behind what they’re up to. Authenticity for the win.

But noodles aside, I’m not so crazy to believe their approach would work for everyone. Heck, we can’t all move premises everyday and be hipster cool. The reality is for most kiwi businesses, social media is just a part of the digital mix.

And it’s a part of the mix you can outsource to us, if you’d like to focus on with business as usual. Meet with us to find out more.
