Losing customers

It sucks when a customer leaves.

Take KOKO Classics, a client that left us in June this year.

KOKO sell industrial and classic inspired furniture. It’s high-end stuff, available online and in-store.

Anyway, before working with us, KOKO’s Facebook page had just 2 or 3 posts per month being published, and very little engagement.

KOKO’s problem was, they didn’t have a process for creating Facebook content, and they didn’t have enough hours in the day to get it done.

“Everyone is so busy. We just don’t have the time to come up with ideas and content for Facebook. We always have good intentions, but invariably something more urgent comes up and Facebook slips”
– Aaron Wiltshire, Marketing & Sourcing Manager

So we started managing KOKO’s Facebook page on their behalf.

And in the month of December, Likeable Kat managed to:

  • Improve engagement from just 3 to over 300 people
  • Improve reach from just 20 people to nearly 20,000

Anyway, here’s a pretty graph, engagement in blue, reach in orange – and you can see when we got started in December.

As you can see, as engagement improves from December onwards, and so does reach, because Facebook wants to show people more of what’s getting a reaction (likes, comments and shares).

But the problem (for us) is, the results above gave KOKO Classics the confidence to create a new social media role in-house. Damn!

Fast forward a couple of months, and we’ve made our peace with losing KOKO Classics as a client. In fact, we’re looking forward to losing many more clients over time, as content creation becomes a critical role within kiwi businesses.

We’d love to lose you as a client, but first – we need to show you what you’re missing out on. The first step is to book a strategy session with us.