Is it worth paying $12 per month for a Linkedin Premium membership?

Linkedin premium: Is it worth paying $12 per month for a LinkedIn premium membership?

Everyone should be on Linkedin.

Ok, maybe not everyone, but certainly those who are interested in their career or professional development.

What have I gained from LinkedIn?

Thanks to my free LinkedIn profile, in the last year I’ve had:

  1. A job offer from a Wellington recruitment firm
  2. An article written by Waikato University
  3. An invitation to speak at a national not-for-profit conference

With the above success, I thought I’d try and ramp things up, so I recently upgraded from the free LinkedIn plan to LinkedIn premium for NZ$12 per month.

linkedin premium vs free linkedin plans

What do you get with LinkedIn premium?

With LinkedIn Premium you get a few extra things compared to free LinkedIn plans, but the main feature is being able to see who has viewed your LinkedIn profile in the past 7 days, for us this is especially useful being in the digital marketing industry. 

You can learn more about LinkedIn Premium here.

So, is LinkedIn Premium worth it?

No. At least, not for me – I just felt too much like a stalker/sales shark.

Once I knew who was looking at my profile, I just couldn’t bring myself to call (or email) them and say “Hey, I see you’ve been looking at my LinkedIn page?”. And even if I could, where would the conversation lead from there?

Being a NZ digital marketing agency, if I really wanted to talk to someone in particular I’d rather cold call them, and I’d rather spend my $12 on shouting them a coffee.

What do you think?

I’d love to hear from anyone who has found Linkedin Premium worthwhile, otherwise, I’ll be sticking with the free version of Linkedin 🙂