Case Study: Alarming Facebook Marketing

Looking for Facebook inspiration?

If so, here’s a behind the scenes look at a Facebook page that Keri and I are managing for Be Alarmed.

In this case study:

  1. Facebook page setup
  2. Facebook ‘like’ advertising
  3. Facebook content creation

About Be Alarmed:

  • Established back in 2005
  • Provides alarm installs, access control and CCTV systems
  • Services the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Coromandel

And until recently, Be Alarmed have had no Facebook presence…

1. Facebook page setup

Our first step was to setup a new local business Facebook page for Be Alarmed.

  • We setup a short Facebook address (
  • We made use of Facebook’s new call to action feature
  • And we used an element of their new logo as the page’s profile pic

Here’s a look at the page:

2. Facebook advertising for Be Alarmed

With the new Facebook page in place, we needed to get likes.

After 60 days, the page had 352 page likes.

  • 188 page likes came organically from employees/friends/family of Be Alarmed
  • 164 page likes came from our Facebook advertising activity (see below)

Note: Engagement and Reach are more relevant Facebook measures than page likes, but page likes are useful in the short term to establish credibility for a newly created Facebook page.

Facebook ‘Like’ advertising for Be Alarmed

Facebook ‘Like’ advertising is focused on gaining relevant page likes for a Facebook page.

For Be Alarmed, relevant likers (people) are:

  • Located within 50 miles of Tauranga
  • Aged 25 years and over
  • Not already a fan of the Be Alarmed Facebook page

How do Facebook ‘Like’ ads work?

Facebook Like ads are shown only to people who meet your advertising criteria, and they appear as ‘suggested pages’ within the Facebook newsfeed on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

For Be Alarmed, we setup one advert with 5 image variations – and the clever part is that Facebook shows more of the ad option that performs best (the ad with the lowest average cost per like, bearing in mind that this is pay-per-click advertising)

The results (and cost) related to each advert are shown in the captions below….

Facebook advertising examples (and results)

Facebook advertising results

As you can see, the ad with the image of the security camera performed best for Be Alarmed. And across the board, we spent $117.37 to generate 164 page likes, with an average cost per page like of $0.72.

And here’s a pretty graph showing how the page likes were acquired over time.

3. Facebook updates for Be Alarmed

With the adverts running, we focused on content (and this is where most businesses struggle)

When it comes to Facebook content, their are two choices.

  1. Be boring (and be ignored)
  2. Be interesting, and reach more people (because that’s how the newsfeed works)

To create regular content, Likeable Keri meets with Gavin from Be Alarmed every fortnight – with the outcome being the next fortnight’s worth of Facebook posts (which we schedule and publish on behalf of Be Alarmed).

Our favourite Facebook updates

Cardboard security camera (this post reached 1,518 people)

Tic-tac alarm system (this post reached 1,618 people)

Kissing couple (this post reached 1,460 people)

Mr Bean (this post reached 4,996 people)

Measuring our performance

Here are the results from our first full month managing the Be Alarmed page:

  • We hand-crafted 15 Facebook posts for Be Alarmed
  • These posts created 913 interactions with their page (clicks, likes, comments, shares)
  • Which exposed the business to 19,826 people during the month

It’s early days for this new Facebook page, but they’re off to a great start (if we do say so ourselves!)

Special credit to Likeable Keri for her hard work and creative genius.

Thanks also to Gavin from Be Alarmed for giving the ok to produce this case study. Gavin’s happy to be contacted directly if you’d like his feedback about working with us (027 578 1298 or

Can I help with your Facebook marketing?

Contact me if you’d like to talk about Facebook marketing for your business.

Cheers, Dan