Revealed: 4 things I’ve learnt about Digital Marketing

Are you up-to-speed with digital marketing?

Without further ado, here are 4 things I’ve learnt about digital marketing over the last 4 years at Likeable.

1. Your website will never be finished.

Launching a new website is no longer the end of the digital marketing process for your business, it’s the very start.

Businesses who succeed online, treat their website as an evolving element of their business, rather than a project that comes up every two or three years.

Learn more about why your website should be practice, rather than project.

2. Social media isn’t about sales.

Back when social media was shiny and new, businesses rushed to get there – in the hope that social would be the silver-bullet in terms of generating sales.

But I’ve learnt that social media isn’t for every business, and most of the time it’s not a direct sales channel.

Businesses that succeed on social media play the long game, and they focus on creating engagement, with that engagement increasing awareness over time.

So why use social if it doesn’t help sales? Here are the 4 real reasons your business is active on social.

3. Search engine optimisation has died.

Tricking Google into have your website appear in the search results is not a long-term strategy.

Yes, being found online is critically important, but traditional Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) needs another name – because nowadays it’s about your website providing the best, most complete answer to the questions (searches) that your prospects are typing into Google – and that doesn’t sound like SEO to me, that sounds like marketing.

Note: Even SEOmoz (the leading online SEO community) recently rebranded to Moz – my guess is that SEO will become a digital marketing swear word in years to come.

4. Email marketing is more powerful than ever.

Sending long-winded email newsletters about your products and services is no longer best practice.

Today, email marketing is about helping, not selling. It’s about sending short, valuable email campaigns that drive traffic to your website or blog, or encourage an action.

And if you’re not already capturing email addresses, you’re missing out on reaching the people who visit your website but aren’t ready to buy.

Learn more about why your business can’t ignore email marketing any longer.

So what’s your digital marketing effort like?

Is your team up-to-speed with digital marketing in 2016?

ps – I wish I’d worked this all out earlier, but there’s no substitute for time on the tools.