Wrong job

I’m in the wrong job, and I’ve only just realised.

You see, this time last year, Likeable Ryan joined the team.

And for the past 12 months, Ryan’s been heading up sales, whilst I’ve been co-ordinating our team.

Everything’s been fine and dandy, until our recent strengths finder session that is, when it became obvious that Ryan and I are actually doing the exact opposite of what we should be.

Because through strengths finder, we discovered that Ryan’s natural abilities lie in supporting teams, developing people and building culture. And we learnt that my strengths lie in strategic thinking and ideation – which is helpful during conversations with potential (and existing) clients.

And anyway, regardless of the above, it’s always annoyed Ryan that I write these Friday emails, but then I suggest people contact him if they’re keen to talk digital marketing.

Sorry about that Ryan.

So anyway, as of today, Ryan and I have swapped places.

Now Ryan is running the business and the team. I’m helping prospects and customers. Simple.

And I must say, it’s great to be back in the right spot, playing to my strengths again.

What about you, are you playing to your strengths in your business?

If your strengths don’t lie in strategic digital marketing, I can help.

The first step is to meet with me, not Ryan ( 😂 ).

~ Dan