Why your social media images should be landscape(d)

You know what the problem is with social media?

It’s that every different social media network requires different sized images.

It’s incredibly annoying – or at least it was… until today.

Because today I’ve discovered a free tool that takes the hassle out of getting the right sized image for each social media platform – hooray!

It’s called landscape – and here’s how it works:

  1. Go to
  2. Upload any image you’d like to use on social media
  3. Choose the social media network(s) you’re interested in
  4. Download your new images – that’s it!

Forget photoshop – use landscape.

Here’s an example of how Landscape works (using the photo below)


First, upload your image to


Then, you’re given the option to create new, resized images for Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter and more – for this example, I’ve chosen Facebook and Linkedin.


Then you’re able to choose how each image is cropped, before downloading a handy zip file with all of the images nicely named and saved – ready to use on your social media network of choice.


Now that’s pretty darn helpful in my book.

ps – Thanks Landscape, you’re awesome.