Why you should tackle your social media like a game of rugby ?

So … Uruguay eh? No-one saw that coming.

One minute they’re the underdog, the next they are celebrating a historic 30-27 Rugby World Cup victory over Fiji. And, on the flip side, poor Fiji, facing an early exit after two losses.

As they say in sport, you’re only as good as your last game. Which is much like social media. You’re only as good as the last piece of content you create. You can’t afford to take your eye off the ball. And you’ve got to be prepared to pick up the ball and run with it.

Here are our Top 5 reasons why you should tackle your social media like a game of rugby.

(*Caution, contains some seriously bad puns.)

1. Teamwork makes the dream work

Amazing content is not created in isolation. Here at the Likeable office we get as many heads together as we can from both our creative and advertising teams to brainstorm ideas. Because even the wittiest, most polished wordsmithing is worthless if it doesn’t get results. When you’re using social media as a marketing tool, ultimately you want to achieve conversions (that’s sales speak, no pun intended).

2. Be tactical

To the untrained eye, a rugby game can seem like a combination of brute force and luck. But the more you understand the subtleties of the game, the more you appreciate and enjoy it. Social media is the same. There’s a lot more to it then just putting some words and an image together and hoping it will fly. Being clear on what your key messages are and staying on brand will keep your content onside (ok so that was a blatant pun).

3. Lift your game

In a line-out he (or she) who reaches highest wins. Well, gets the ball anyway. With all the ‘noise’ on social media it’s tempting to become blazé about what you post. But every single piece of content counts, because it builds a bigger picture of your brand as a whole. Don’t drop the ball. Make sure your content is polished and free of errors. Not just sometimes, but every time. If it’s not, the opposition may take possession of your audience.

4. Prop up your content

Social media algorithms have largely killed off organic reach. Which means, without putting advertising spend behind it, your content will be seen by very few. (We could draw a comparison with Spark Sport, but I think we’ll leave that one on the bench). Just as props support the hooker in a scrum, propping up your content with ad spend will rake in a much wider audience.

5. Tackle, tackle, tackle

No rugby analogy would be complete without ‘tackling’. Social media is constantly evolving. The best way to learn is to get in there and give it a go. Whether it’s starting from scratch or learning how to use a new feature, don’t be afraid to tackle it. If you don’t ‘try’, you won’t score.

Who’s up for more rugby puns? What’s that you say? No flanks? Fair play.

But if you want to talk about social media, without the puns, get in touch. Well, maybe after the Rugby World Cup has finished.