Why Search Engine Optimisation isn’t a thing (anymore)

Heard of Search Engine Optimisation?

I won’t bore you with the details, but the thinking is that it’s possible to improve where your website sits in google search results, for certain search terms – and it’s called S.E.O. for short.

Anyway, I’d like to suggest that S.E.O. isn’t a thing anymore. Because Google is smarter than that.

Yes, in the past it was possible to massage Google’s shoulders to get you to page one of the search results. But those days are gone. Nowadays it’s about serving customer needs online, and doing a better job of it than your competitors.

Do that consistently, and that’s how you’ll wind up on page one of google. But just like Pantene Shampoo – it won’t happen overnight.

From a marketing perspective, I think S.E.O. should stand for ‘Say Everything Ordinarily’ – as in, don’t write for search engines, write for your customers and prospects, and google will reward you over time.

ps – even SEOmoz, the worlds leading authority on Search Engine Optimisation recently rebranded to Moz. I don’t think SEO is a term that we’ll be using in years to come.