Your website – why ‘contact us’ is no longer enough

You know what’s missing from most websites?

What’s missing is a next step.

Having a next step for your website visitors is described as having a ‘call-to-action’ – something that people can do before they leave your website and return to their busy lives.

That’s right, most websites don’t have a call-to-action for visitors, except of course for the obvious ones like ‘request a quote’ or ‘contact us’…

Request a quote and contact us.

If your website is like most, you’ll probably have ‘request a quote’ or ‘contact us’ as a logical next step for your visitors. And these are okay next steps for people who are ready to purchase.

But the problem is that these call-to-actions suck for website visitors who aren’t ready to buy…

They suck because they’re too far into the buying process, requiring visitors to jump straight into your sales funnel – when all they really want to do is dip their toes in the water.

I mean, who actually wants to jump into a sales funnel? (I can picture this, and it’s not pretty!)

Creating a call-to-action for your website

As well as having ‘request a quote’ or ‘contact us’, why not have a free guide available for download? Or an e-book?

It doesn’t need to be a big deal, but it does need to be something that’s truly valuable for your audience – regardless of whether they buy from you now or down the track.

And the best part with this approach is that you get to ask for email addresses in exchange for the download – to find out why that’s awesome, see why your business can’t ignore email marketing anymore.

So what’s your website like?

Open your website now – what’s you call to action?

ps – I wish I’d worked this out earlier, I’m now frantically creating an e-book for!