We rebranded! Find out why.

When Likeable Nick bought the original Likeable last year, two businesses merged into one. A bunch of people with epic digital marketing skills combined their talents, experience and service offering.

And just like that, Likeable’s formula changed. For the better, we think!

But that meant we needed our brand to better represent the new Likeable. So Likeable Lab was born.

With a few key people involved, we worked hard on creating a new brand and new website to represent who we are and what we do.

If you’ve been through the process yourself, you’ll know it’s not easy. Somehow, it’s harder to talk about our own business. Why? I don’t know, maybe we feel shy, scared, overwhelmed. We want it to be perfect. We have so much to say and so little space…

But once you get through the fear, there’s freedom in finding the right words and imagery to express what it is that’s special about your business.

Our best advice?

  1. Key internal drivers. When working on your own business marketing, things tend to get backburned. That happened to us for a while, until we made a serious commitment, set up a team with deadlines and deliverables and got stuck in.
  2. A talented graphic designer. Ours was Rebecca from Inkwell Studio. Rebecca has had a relationship with Likeable from day dot. She created the original brand, she’s seen us grow and she understands what we do. Not to mention her exceptional design flair. That’s why working with her was a breeze. To work alongside Rebecca’s original brand concept we had our own Likeable Kelly create original icons that you’ll see throughout the whole website. You’ll also notice we have our very own personalised characters for each staff member. Take a look, they’re awesome!
  3. An expert website developer. With websites often being responsible for giving first impressions, we wanted it to be done right (and to be an awesome visual tool of course). And who did we know who creates awesome, functional websites? The guys at CreativeQ.
  4. Clear communication. Everyone involved in our rebrand had their role to play, and we stuck to it. We each had to-do lists, deadlines and a clear line of communication. With Nick orchestrating the team of people involved, we were able to flow through the process relatively quickly and hassle-free.

The final product we couldn’t be more happy with. Actually, that’s an understatement, we absolutely love it. We’re like kids who’ve just been told they’re getting a puppy — can’t wipe the smile off our faces, can’t wait to show it off and couldn’t control the fist pumps and dance moves when we went live.

A big thanks to everyone who helped us, and we’d love to hear what you think! Go check it out.