Top 5 benefits of using video on social media

Video. You’ve heard about it, watched it, maybe even dabbled in creating some yourself. But are you really using it to its full potential in your social media strategy

There is a reason that video has become so popular recently, with more and more small businesses discovering the power of online video and adopting it within their content marketing strategy. 

Video is one of the easiest forms of content to consume, and with users spending an average of 2 seconds per post, you need to make it easy for them to stop that scroll!

But aside from the obvious, there are many other benefits of adding video into your social media strategy. Here’s our top 5: 

1. Builds Trust and Credibility – adds personality to your brand

Videos are a great way to take customers behind the scenes of your business and show the ‘human’ side. You can show videos of your workspace, your team and show off your humour. By injecting your personality into each video, your audience will feel like they know you before they reach out, building that all important know, like and trust factor. 

2. It Encourages Social Shares 

Engaging videos, especially ones that make people laugh, are very likely to be shared! Think about it, when you spit out your water in a fit of giggles after watching a video, you just HAVE to show your mate, so you hit that share button. This sharing is awesome for word of mouth and can lead to your post becoming viral. 

The more eyes that see your content, the better.

3. People Will Remember It 

Due to technology, our ability to concentrate has become a lot harder. The average concentration time of a human is now less than a goldfish! How crazy. That’s why video is so powerful. 

The majority of people tend to remember/recall video content over photos, audio and other types of content. So if you want a message to be heard, say it with video! 

4. It’s Easy to Consume

Like we mentioned above, people are busy, people’s minds are busy. They don’t have the time (or mental capacity) to remember everything you post. So you need to make sure you are serving up your customers cleverly crafted posts

You don’t have to do video all of the time. But if you mix in long-form posts, with some short, engaging posts and videos, you’ll be covering all of your bases and your audience won’t get bored. 

Win, win!

5. It Evokes Emotions 

When done correctly, a video can hit someone right in the feels, a.k.a make them cry and become very emotionally invested. 

If you’re selling  a product, this can be extremely beneficial! Because people buy into your story, not the product you’re selling. Let’s give you an example: 

Say you are a seller of female swimwear made from recycled ocean plastic. Yes your swimwear might be beautiful BUT what really gets the consumer buy in is the story surrounding the material you use.  

So you make a video involving a cute turtle that gets wrapped in plastic and needs to be saved. You pair that with some jaw-dropping stats and you show the ‘WHY’ behind your brand. You’re now no longer selling a bikini, you’re selling a mission, a solution to a very large problem. 

The result? More sales, a loyal customer base and a heck of a lot of shares (because who can ignore a cute turtle?). 

Have we convinced you yet? We should have! Video is powerful and you should be using it any chance you get. 

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas or don’t have all the resources to pull off the video you have in mind, get in touch with us. 

We can hash out ideas and make a professional video content that converts!