There’s a problem with social media

The problem is ownership.

You might have 5213 likes on Facebook, but let’s be honest, you don’t own them, because Facebook does. And they can whisk them away at any moment, or charge you more to reach them.

And that’s why you need to know which channels you own, and which you rent.

You own your website. It’s a tool to generate sales, enquiries and collect email addresses amongst other things. That’s why it’s the core of your digital marketing effort.

You own your email database. You’ve built it. It’s yours to use respectfully, and it’s one of the best ways to remind people you exist without having to spend money.

But when it comes to Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin, you’re renting.

Yes, renting does have benefits. Like exposure to an audience you couldn’t have gathered yourself.

But you shouldn’t build your house on rented land. Because the landlord might kick you out or put the rent up.

Build on the land you own first. Your website. Your emails. Then leverage your rentals to get the word out. That’s the right order.