The coast to coast

Next week I’m doing the coast to coast.

If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a 243km multi-sport event that starts near Greymouth and finishes up in Christchurch.

It’s going to be epic.

But to say it’s been a heavy training schedule is a bit of an understatement.

I’ve put in 370 hours so far. Around 2000kms of running, over 3000kms on the bike, and a bit of time in the kayak.

But I’m not complaining, because we all know big goals take work. And whether you’re competing in a multi-sport event, or competing online – the principles are the same.

Deciding on the goal
Committing (for me it was paying the $2000 entry fee!)
Doing the work

So what’s the big goal for your business this year?

If transforming your online approach is at the top of your list, but you don’t know where to start, let’s talk.

~ Likeable Sophie