Who’s Your Support Crew?

One of my favourite things to do is play the role of support crew at any type of sporting event.

Support crews are mostly needed at multisport events where the competitor needs gear transported from one place to the next in order to get on with the next leg of the event.

So when I haven’t entered the event myself, I always put my hand up to support crew.

It’s so much fun. And I get a real kick out of helping someone achieve their goal, getting amongst the event atmosphere and drinking coffee on the sideline (perk of the job).

The role of a (good) support crew usually consists of organising/transporting gear, making sure my ‘competitor’ is happy, has everything they need and to get to the finish line with minimal hiccups and being chief cheerer (it helps that I have a crazy loud whistle).

In many cases, athletes wouldn’t be able to compete in races without a support crew. And if they decide to go self-supported it makes a whole lot more work for them, which may negatively affect their race.

There is something quite similar about an athlete-support crew team and that of a business team.

The business’s employees act as a support crew making sure business goals are achieved. With each person doing their part to ultimately get the team across the finish line.

So who in your team flies the social media flag?

Think of this person as the athlete. They do the majority of the work for social media. They are responsible for sourcing, editing and uploading content. They’re (hopefully) skilled and fine-tuned to the task like an athlete is to their race.

But what you might not realise is that social media operates a lot better with a support crew on hand, helping with content ideas, and spotting opportunities.

So next time you see an opportunity for social media content, grab it. Send it on, and let that person know, you’re their support crew.

Because with a great support crew behind it, your social media will run a much better race.

– Likeable Sophie