September Facebook Basics Workshop

Is your business on Facebook?

Before you answer, consider the following stats:

  • There are 2 million Facebook users in NZ (and 70,000 Facebookers in Tauranga alone!)
  • If Facebook was a country, it’d be the third-largest country in the world!
  • Facebook users spend an hour each day on the site

Whichever way you look at it, it’s hard to deny that Facebook has a massive influence over people (hint: customers) in NZ.

But the trouble is, most small businesses don’t know where to start – so we’re running a 2 hour workshop later this September to help.

This Facebook workshop is for you if:

  • You need help setting up your Facebook business page
  • You’ve got an existing Facebook business page, but don’t know how to use it effectively
  • You have Facebook marketing questions you need answers too!

Join our first ever Facebook basics workshop

We’ll go in-depth and cover the nitty-gritty of managing your Facebook page.

We’ll cover:

  • Setting up a Facebook page correctly
  • How to creating different types of posts (photos, videos, links, plain text)
  • How to be on Facebook without being on Facebook (how to schedule Facebook updates)
  • How to come up with Facebook post ideas
  • How to spark discussion with your Facebook fans
  • How to Facebook stalk your competitors
  • The basics of advertising on Facebook (how to boost Facebook posts)

The details

When? Fri 26th Sept from 1pm–3pm

Where? Ignition Co-Working Space (29 Grey Street, Tauranga)

Cost? $180+gst per person

What to bring:

  • Your laptop (and power cord)
  • Your Facebook-related questions
  • Your business cards (don’t miss the networking opportunity!)

Oh yeah, and we’ll provide infectious enthusiasm and tea and coffee of course 🙂


Contact us or email to register (limited to the first 10 people, honest)