Kat’ch ya later!

This is my last week at Likeable Lab. My days as ‘Likeable Kat’ are numbered (officially at least).

What a ride it’s been; a massive learning curve and loads of fun to boot.

To think that a few years ago I didn’t know much about social media. But as I said in my job interview, “I know about marketing and I understand the importance of connecting with people, so how hard can it be?!”

Well, it turns out there are a few technical nuances, but on the whole, I stand by what I said. 

Doing well on social media relies heavily on understanding your customers and connecting with them in some way. Knowing who your target customers are and how to identify them on social media platforms. Understanding their problems, knowing how to pique their interest and get their click, like, share, comment, follow etc. 

You could say, doing well on social media is a combination of art and science. 

Social media platforms have invested heavily in collecting, mining and capitalising on the brontobytes of customer data they collect every second of the day, from all over the world. So much so, that if you stop and think about it too much it can be a little scary! Spawning countless articles with titles such as “Are our phones listening to us?” or “Facebook faces another privacy scandal”. The industry has not been without controversy!

But, as much as data privacy is concerning for the individual, that knowledge is gold for the marketer and benefits the consumer in more ways than they probably realise. 

Until social media, it was pretty hard for the average marketer to measure the effectiveness of their efforts. Now, thanks to these ever-changing social platforms, we can. With ease. The information is right there, in real time. And, if you’re clever about how you do it, it’s even possible to prove ROI.

I leave Likeable Lab as a true social media marketing convert. To all my wonderful clients, it’s been great working with you, and to the Likeables, thanks for everything. 

My parting tip – it’s always about the people, people.

~ (un)Likeable Kat

PS: Wondering what I’m up to next? I’m going back to my product development roots and taking on a new role at Locus Research who are a product development and innovation company here in Tauranga.