Is it an ad or is it content?

My mother is 73 and a daily Facebook user.

She’s been on Facebook for years. It’s a great way for her to stay in touch with what’s going on in the lives of her friends and family.

The phrase “I saw it on Facebook” often comes from her lips.

But she also gets frustrated by all the ads she gets. It’s her pet peeve at the moment.

And here’s what I’ve discovered.

She has all sorts of sponsored content coming through on her feed. But the ones she calls ‘ads’ are the ones that are of absolutely no interest to her or the ones that look and feel like an ad (pushing products/services or purely using engagement bait).

The ‘ads’ that are providing her with relevant information, she doesn’t see as ads at all.

We’re probably all a bit like Mum. We take content and we leave it. But we only consciously register the outliers – the really good and the really bad stuff.

That’s why it’s so important for businesses using social media to focus on engaging content targeted at the right people. You want your content to feel like it belongs in your target customers feed. And that means you need to understand what they’re interested in. Some of that you’ll know, and some you’ll find over time as you see what content performs.

So don’t bombard potential customers with ‘ads’, provide them with meaningful, helpful, entertaining content (and pay for it to get into their feed!).

If you need our help, contact us.