Instagram and the influence ecomomy

I’ve just started following an AMAZING Instagram account.

It’s called ‘BareKiwi’.

BareKiwi is the brainchild of Kyle Mulinder, who over the last 2 years has been documenting NZ’s beauty by posting stunning photo’s to his Instagram account – grab a coffee and check it out.

As you can see, BareKiwi has approx 28 thousand (!) followers  – but the thing that attracted my attention wasn’t the popularity of the account – but rather an event that’s happening soon.

It’s called an InstaMeet.

What’s an InstaMeet?

An InstaMeet is where Instagrammers (from around the globe) get together in real life to meet up with an Instagram user they follow and respect – in this case, BareKiwi.

But here’s the clever part…

BareKiwi isn’t holding the InstaMeet, Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism are.

It’s pure marketing genius – Christchurch Tourism have organised a sunset cruise around Akaroa for the InstaMeet attendees, and they’ve also listed the top 5 instagram-worthy places for those visiting the region for the event.

Not only will Christchurch Tourism have BareKiwi share how awesome Akaroa is (to his 28 thousand followers), they’ll also cast the net further through the photos the attendees of the InstaMeet post themselves – and these photos will go to their thousands of Instagram followers too – get it?

Talk about influence.

BareKiwi has the ability to influence others, who then go on to promote Akaroa to their followers around the globe.

Forget the attention economy, because this look’s like the influence economy to me.

Learn more about the Christchurch InstaMeet (– I wanna go!)