The most important website decision (you’ll ever make)

Serious about competing online?

If so, you need to make a decision about your website…

– Will you treat your website as a project? 

– Or will you treat your website as practice?

Your Website: Project or Practice?

The project approach to websites:

If you treat your website as a project, you’ll redevelop your site every 2-3 years, and pretty much start again when you do – because your business (and technology) will have changed completely since your last website project.

The practice approach to websites:

If you treat your website as practice, you’ll fit website changes into your business-as-usual operations, and you’ll make regular, minor improvements that will remove the need for a grunty website project every few years.

So what’s your decision?

If your website is the simply the supporting act for your bricks-and-mortar business, then the project approach to web development will suit nicely.

If the success of your business hinges on your website however, then the practice approach is where it’s at.

But the challenge for us business owners is that most web developers still follow the projects approach, so you’ll have to bring your web-skills in house, or find an outside-the-box web company when adopting the practice approach.

Need help with your website?

We don’t do websites here at Likeable, so we’re perfectly placed to provide you with objective feedback – contact us.