How to schedule your Instagram updates

Looking to schedule Instagram photos?

If so, your options are very limited (because Instagram tightly controls this part of their software)

But the good news is that there are a couple of options available.

Here are two Instagram scheduling options I’ve explored

  1. Latergramme
  2. ScheduGram

1. Latergramme

Latergramme let’s you plan and schedule your Instagram posts, but there’s a catch.

The catch is that Latergramme still requires you to ‘approve’ the post at the time you’ve scheduled it for.

So if you’re looking to set and forget, this option isn’t for you.

2. ScheduGram

ScheduGram goes one step further than Latergramme.

The good news is that your Instagram posts are automatically published, so you don’t need to take an action or approve each post.

I’ve used Schedugram for a month or so, it’s a bit clunky – but it’s the only solution I’ve used that’s a set and forget option.

Other options for scheduling Instagram updates

I’ve haven’t had the chance to review these, but here are two more solutions that look promising:

Have I missed any Instagram scheduling apps?

Let me know below, I’d love to add them to the list above.