How to schedule your Facebook updates in advance

It might seem obvious, but it’s only obvious once you know how…

In the status update section (at the top of your business Facebook page) there is a small clock symbol, although it can be a little hard to find – it’s only there if you place your cursor in the box that say’s ‘write something…‘.

The beauty of this little clock is that it allows you to plan multiple Facebook status updates inĀ advance. This is perfect if you’d like to ‘set and forget’ by planning your Facebook posts a week or a month in advance.

Make your NEW Facebook page look old

You can also go back in time (not literally!) and back date your posts if you wish. This is perfect if you have a brand new Facebook page that you’d like to instantly appear more established.

Any questions? Post your comment below or call my Facebook help hotline toll free on 0800 555 044.