How to develop the Know, Like, Trust factor with your audience

There’s a saying in sales that goes a little something like,“you need 7 touch points with the same customer before they will be willing to buy from you … before they Know, Like and Trust you”. 

Let’s face it, most businesses are looking for more customers and, more specifically, loyal customers that will buy from them time and time again.

But how do you achieve that online? 

Time and time again, we meet with business owners, managing directors and sales people who have a great product or service, a great team and great systems. All that’s missing is great customers.

Customers, on the other hand, are bombarded with content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from different companies trying to get them into their sales funnel.

At best, the prospect subconsciously blanks this stuff out, deletes the email, doesn’t take the call or just clicks that little ‘X’ button on the top of your advert. 

Boom, just like that your well intentioned attempts to capture their attention and start to try to build some type of relationship with the ultimate outcome of trying to make a sale, ceased.

This is uncomfortable for all involved.

The cold caller (i.e your business) doesn’t like the rejection and the potential customer doesn’t like feeling like a piece of meat that is being pursued. 

So, how do we change this? 

How do we turn it all around? 

How do we go about engaging prospective clients that will get them to a point where they are chasing us to do business with us?

How do we build that all important Know, Like and Trust quickly and effortlessly?

The answer comes in 2 words: “Social Media”

Or, more specifically, “A well structured social media campaign utilising specialist skills from a multitude of skilled, elite level copywriters, designers and students of online consumer and buyer behaviour” … but that would be a bit over the top for this blog. We like to keep things chill over here. 

Social media is changing the game when it comes to lead generation and is much easier than your typical methods like cold calling, email blasts, networking, junk mail and all the rest….

Why you should use social media to gain know, like and trust with your audience 

  • You can get your message right in front of your ideal target market
  • You can illustrate your company’s products or services in an extremely benefit-led way
  • You can create a real “feeling” around your product, service and brand and what you stand for, that will really engage your prospect’s “heart and mind”
  • You get your prospective clients engaging with you
  • Happy customers leave reviews and provide social proof for potential clients 
  • You can humanise your brand like never before by showing up on stories, letting your customers in behind-the-scenes and going live to have longer discussions

All of these speed you through the crucial “Know, Like and Trust” touch points in your prospective clients’ mind. Clients that otherwise, in all likelihood, would never even have heard of you.

Every single time that your social media posts are seen or engaged with by your prospective clients, you automatically win some more Know, Like and Trust.

Let’s revisit that sales line regarding “the 7 touches with the same client before they will be willing to buy from you.…

If you believe that and have a prospective client who has engaged with your posts, liked them, commented, maybe even “shared” them, do you think they would be closer to doing business with you…?


What if you only posted 3 times per week and your target only interacted on 2 of those 3 posts? Well, then in just over 3 weeks, might they be thinking about doing business with you?

Well, it MUST have crossed their mind, right?

Using know, like and trust to lead to ROI

When your social media campaigns are done correctly, with the right team and the right strategy, then you absolutely should be getting a very positive ROI. Of course, social media is a specialist skill area so it’s worth calling in a professional team to get it done right …

… and you should insist that the specialist team should absolutely provide trackable, replicable and consistent ROI.

If you found this blog useful and are ready to get some real ROI from your social media, get in touch and we can arrange a call.