How popular is your Linkedin profile?

Linkedin is now a popularity contest.

That’s right. Linkedin made an update to its website last week, and I thought it might interest you.

Now you can see how popular your Linkedin profile is compared to others.


Hooray for me, I feel popular! (well, this week at least!)

How popular are you on Linkedin?

To find out how you rank compared to your connections, visit the link below:

Having trouble? Sign in to Linkedin first, then click the link above (you’ll need to be logged in first for it to work)

New to Linkedin?

If you’re new or on the fence about joining Linkedin, then read on:

About Linkedin:

  • is a business-oriented social networking website
  • It’s older than Facebook, and has approx 800,000 NZ users
  • It’s the most ‘serious’ of all of the main social media sites (spelling mistakes and cat photos are less tolerated on Linkedin!)

And the best thing about Linkedin?

It’s a great way of finding business opportunities (I’ve had a job offer, a request to speak at an event, and plenty of paid work – all from my Linkedin profile)

Ready to get started on Linkedin? Setup your own Linkedin profile