The Halo Effect | the Secret Facebook Traffic You Might Not Know About!

I love data. As much as I’m the creative type, I truly understand the importance of good solid data. That is why I love Google Analytics and the Halo Effect.

With so many marketing channels out there for us to utilise, Google Analytics allows us to compile everything into one place. To allow us to understand what channels are working for us. Where we can improve and also how each channel affects the other.

Google Analytics will break down each source of traffic into its own channel. You can monitor the number of visits your page is getting from organic search, direct traffic, pay per click, Facebook, Instagram and so on. The more marketing channels you have, the more data you’ll have to compare. 

This is where a little thing called The Halo Effect comes into play.

What is the Halo Effect?

The Halo Effect is the effect one marketing channel has on another.

As we’re a Social Media agency, let me explain this using Facebook Ads as an example.

The general rule of thumb is that when done correctly, Facebook ads will give you so much more than just likes. People will be engaging with your content, clicking through to your website and hopefully checking out/signing up for your product or service. Obviously, Google Analytics will show you this data, which will then allow you to track it. What it doesn’t directly show you though, is the halo effect this marketing source is having on your other channels.

For example, you should see a rise in your organic and direct traffic during a Facebook marketing campaign. This is due to the fact that not everyone directly clicks on a link or post within Facebook itself.

Some will come home and type your business name into their search engine, pop your web address straight into the address bar or follow your page on Instagram or Pinterest and visit you from there. This could be due to them wanting to see your website on a bigger screen, wanting to do a little research about your brand first or just needing to come back to it at a later date.

Because no action was taken on Facebook itself, Analytics can’t class it as an ‘assist’ or a ‘click through’. Infact, Analytics doesn’t know that your customer even saw that ad at all. This becomes invisible data. A piece to your traffic puzzle you never knew you had.

The opposite effect is also true. Once you’ve stopped an ad campaign you’ll see your other channels will start to decrease in traffic. None of this will happen overnight, but gradually you’ll see a change.

Keeping up with strong, well-targeted campaigns will help your business growth across all channels. Keep an eye out for the Halo Effect, you’ll be surprised how much your Facebook Ads are helping you grow, beyond what you can see directly on analytics.

For help with your Facebook Ads, get in touch and we’ll be sure to help you out.

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