Surprise… we’ve acquired another business!!

Lockdown presented some huge challenges for the business community – but also opportunities.

Here at Likeable we have had our fair share of challenges, but what has been blindingly clear from the outset is that a strong online and social media presence is vital if businesses are to co-exist with COVID-19.

Our Head Honcho Nick McDonald saw this as an opportunity to emerge bigger, better and stronger. Expanding the team at a time when our services are needed most was a no-brainer.

So… we are proud to announce that Likeable Lab has acquired LeadSocial, a Hamilton-based agency built up by Steve Carpenter, which has been punching above its weight for many years.

By joining forces with this successful and innovative agency, we have almost doubled the size of our team, while greatly enhancing our offering to clients. 

Our new services include:

1. Video

Now this is something we are extremely excited about! Our new video guy, Mark, is an absolute legend when it comes to videography. His skills have made people laugh, cry and experience every emotion under the sun. Whether you’re wanting to promote a new product, create a highlight reel of your work or to tell the story of your business, Mark is your guy. Check out this great video Mark and the LeadSocial team put together for Hamilton Girls High School

2. Website Design 

Our new in-house web lead, PJ, is a website genius! If your website is looking a little tired, let us bring it back to life. We can provide a fully customised website, as well as ongoing ads management, so you can focus on the rest of your business and let us handle this key component.

3. Google Ads

We now have the in-house capabilities to research, set up and manage your Google Ads, plus provide ongoing optimisation and monthly reporting. Google Ads help you get in front of people searching for your products/services and are a great way to instantly drive pre-qualified traffic to your website. Our experts take a strategic approach to ensure an investment that drives a return. 

4. Photography 

While we can commission photographers anywhere in the country, we now have in-house photographers based in both Tauranga and the Waikato, and who are regularly available in Auckland. These talented humans can artfully capture the story of your business and level up your social media game. 

So, it’s full steam ahead for the Likeables, LeadSocials and our wonderful clients, as we dive into this next chapter. We couldn’t do this without you, so thank you to all our supporters – you’re awesome.

And remember, it’s never too late to change course and make positive changes in your business. 

If you want to get in touch about any of our new – or old – services, then drop us a line and we’ll schedule a chat.