Getting found on Google – 3 tips from Robert Kramers, SEO Specialist

Getting to that top spot in Google search is the dream of any business. If there’s a quick way to get there, I’m sure we’d all take it. But as we chatted with Robert, I get the sense that this SEO thing is less of a game to be won, and more like a mountain to climb.

It’s going to take blood (time or money), sweat (effort), and tears (patience), but it’ll be worth it.

Here are Robert’s 3 keys to climbing the Google rankings:

1. Content is king.

Content can be many things. But basically, content = information. So to do well in SEO, you’ve got to invest in good content and learn how to effectively promote it on the web. All else equal, good content will set your website apart from the masses from a visitor’s standpoint, as well as in Google’s eyes.

Here are Robert’s pointers for developing your web content…

  • Determine the ideal audience for your product or service.
  • Find out what your audience truly cares about – this is what you’ll need to write about.
  • Research what basic keywords people use when looking up topics related to your business, because the keywords you include in your article will help your ranking.
  • Do your homework, and find out what’s out there first, then create better content.
  • Add diagrams and videos to your content / article to make it unique and increase its value (making it more shareable).
  • Then importantly, let people know about it, and promote it effectively online to ensure it gets shared and linked to from other websites.

If you’ve got lots of say about a chosen topic – great! An article with more words typically ranks better in Google search, as a long piece can offer more depth and value to the reader. Notice the word “can”, because quality matters. Write an article that gives, and in the eternity of cyberspace, it will continue to help people for many years to come.

2. Make connections on the web.

When your content offers value, people not only read it, but are more inclined to share it or link to it, like as a reference or citation for their own content. (You’ll see one at the end of this article.) This kind of linking increases your website’s perceived value, so Google recognises this by improving your search ranking. It’s the stuff of internet relationships. Business ones anyway.

While content may be king, it will take more than just good content to get it ranking in Google search. In most cases, creating great content will make your journey a lot easier. Even if you have to beg other website owners or bloggers to link to your website, you’re best to ensure your content / website is worth linking to in the first place. There’s no better way than to ensure the content you’ve created warrants support and promotion, than to ensure it’s the best info around.

3. Promote your content.

Yes, it’s going to cost. But having a great article with no audience is like posting a letter with no stamps. You shouldn’t do it. Invest time and energy into the promotion of your content, whether through email, ads or connecting with an influencer (eg, popular leaders, including celebrities, that can drive your brand to a much bigger audience).

Where to from here?

At the end of the day, SEO serves us as businesses, because it helps us reach audiences who are ready to consume information and make a purchasing decision.

So if you’re wondering where to begin, start by serving your potential customers with the information that will best help them. And over time you’ll climb the rankings and become an authority in your industry, through the high-quality content you produce.

To improve the search engine ranking of your website, check out Founds free e-book with 17 actionable steps for business owners. Special thanks to Robert for taking the time to hang out with us.