How to Facestalk your competitors

Looking for ideas for your Facebook page?

Creating original, engaging Facebook updates is hard work – so today we’re sharing a short-cut.

It’s called Facestalking

Facestalking (Facebook stalking) is about following your competitors Facebook pages, with the goal of learning which of their Facebook updates are generating engagement (likes, comments and shares).

And no, I’m not talking about stealing their ideas or imagery. I’m talking about seeing what has worked for them and adding your own twist or angle – all the with the goal of creating your own engaging Facebook updates.

Can’t I simply look at what my competitors have been posting?

Yes, you can browse through each of your competitors Facebook pages one-by-one, but if you’d like to simply see all the best Facebook updates from your competitors in one place, then follow the steps below…

How to Facestalk your competitors

  1. Make a list of your main competitors
  2. Visit each competitors Facebook page
  3. Like each competitors page using the ‘Like as your page’ option

Important: Don’t click the normal ‘like’ button, you must choose ‘like as your page’ from the drop down menu.


Once you’ve liked all of the pages you wish to follow then you’re ready to continue.

  1. Switch to using Facebook as your page. To do this, click the drop down arrow at the top right of your Facebook page and choose your page name (see screenshot below).
  1. Last step, select “See pages feed” or “View pages feed” on the right hand side, towards the bottom of your Facebook business page (see screenshot below)


Hey presto! You should now have a list of all the popular updates from your competitors in one place – now it’s up to you to add your own twist or angle on the topics which have been successful for them.


  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 above to re-visit this page when you’re looking for Facebook inspiration.
  • to change back to viewing Facebook normally just repeat step 4 and select your name from the drop down.


Happy Facestalking!

Cheers, The Likeable Lab team