4 Facebook statistics that might surprise you

Did you know…
  1. There are over 2 million people on Facebook in NZ (could any of these people be your current or future customers?)
  2. 127,080 New Zealander’s joined Facebook in the last 6 months (what other marketing mediums have had this kind of growth?)
  3. 55% of Facebook users are female, the remainder are male (hopefully!)
  4. It’s not all young people, with significant growth in the 45+ age categories (see graph)

Age Growth on Facebook in NZ


Statistics Source:

So will your business be using Facebook in 2013?

If you’re looking to use Facebook this year then I invite you to join one of my upcoming seminars.

During my free 1-hour seminar you’ll learn how to:

  • Setup a Facebook page for your business
  • What to write/post on your business Facebook page (and how often to post)
  • How to track the effectiveness of your Facebook page
  • January: Tuesday the 15th at 2pm (64 Devonport Rd, Tauranga)
  • February: Tuesday the 12th at 2pm (64 Devonport Rd, Tauranga)

Both sessions are designed for those new to Facebook and are limited to 6 people. To confirm your place please email or call me at my desk on 0800 555 044.