Facebook Case Study: Rodney Fong Ray White Real Estate

I’m thrilled to be helping Rodney Fong from Ray White with his Facebook page. Learn more about Rodney’s Facebook marketing efforts below…

Case Study: Facebook Management

Below is the type of Facebook post you’d expect to see from a real estate agent like Rodney:

As you can see, the Facebook post shown above was seen by 56 people and received 1 comment – not a bad result for something that didn’t take too long to post.

Taking it to the next level

But with a bit more thought, here’s what we’ve been able to come up with once we started to get more creative (see the ‘number of people that saw this post’ underneath the update below)

Yes, 509 people saw the post above – that’s nearly 10 times the exposure of the earlier Facebook post (and that’s not to mention the 13 likes and 19 comments).

Isn’t the difference amazing?

As you can see, people don’t want to find out about new properties on Facebook (that’s what trademe is for!) – what they really want is to be entertained.

So how can your business be entertaining?

If you’re not sure, then ask me – it’s my job to find out!

ps – it turned out that Rodney didn’t look like Duncan Garner. His fans though he looked more like Agent Cho from The Mentalist.

Comments, or questions?

Feel free to post them below.