Facebook: 29 excuses to update your page

Struggling with what to share on your Facebook page?

Or perhaps you’re just looking for a handful of Facebook update ideas?

Here are 29 reasons to post on your business Facebook page.

You know it’s time for a Facebook update when you’ve…

    1. Launched a new product (well done!)
    2. Taken a selfie (any excuse)
    3. Hired a new team member
    4. Celebrated an anniversary (eg, 10 years in business)
    5. Got new uniforms (say cheese!)
    6. Had a visit from a famous customer (eg, an all-black)
    7. Had a team building event
    8. Snapped a great photo (eg, an awesome view)
    9. Won an award (go you!)
    10. Been burgled (seriously, people will want to help you)
    11. Redecorated your office (before and after photos work great)
    12. Competed in a team sports event
    13. Written an article (worth sharing)
    14. Landed a significant new customer
    15. Sponsored, supported or donated to a not-for-profit
    16. Bought new company cars (#jealous)
    17. Had a work party (family-friendly photos only please)
    18. Rebranded your business (remember to update your profile pic)
    19. Survived crazy weather (or a natural disaster)
    20. Found an inspirational quote (that suits your business)
    21. Received a thank you card, note or gift from a client
    22. Had an article in the paper
    23. Posed like a diva (don’t lie)
    24. Celebrated a staff members birthday (or yours)
    25. Held a special event
    26. Had a work shout or morning tea (any excuse)
    27. Found a great industry related meme or jokes
    28. Held a competition (for staff or customers)
    29. Made a hilarious mistake (go on, own up!)

*Bonus* 4 Facebook status updates NOT to share:

  1. You’ve reached a new number of Facebook likes (*yawn*)
  2. ‘Watch this space’ or ‘We’ve got big news’ style posts (when you’ve got something to announce, but can’t say yet)
  3. Inside jokes that almost nobody gets (I admit it, I’m guilty of these from time to time)
  4. Anything that’s just a text only status update (all Facebook updates need an image, link or video)

Did I miss any?

Add a comment below and I’ll add them to the list above.

Cheers, Dan