Does Your Website Have A Facebook ‘Like’ Box? If Not, Why Not?

What is a Facebook Like Box?

In simple terms, a Facebook ‘Like Box’ profiles your Facebook page on your website.

Why have a Facebook Like Box on your website?

Here are 3 reasons:

  1. It makes it easy for website your visitors to like you on Facebook
  2. It provides instant proof that real people actually like your business (helping build trust)
  3. It shows that you are up to speed with social media (showing you’re up with the times)

Your Facebook Like Box can include the following things:

  • Your Facebook page name and profile picture
  • A history of your Facebook posts (a stream of what you’ve recently shared on your Facebook page)
  • The number of fans your Facebook page has

And here’s the awesome/creepy thing: Your website visitors will see their friends faces in your Facebook like box if any of them like your business.

How to install a Facebook Like Box (your web developer can help with this)

  1. Go to
  2. Copy and paste your Facebook web address into the ‘Facebook Page URL’ field (eg, Air NZ’s is
  3. Click the ‘get code’ button at the bottom of the page
  4. Add the code to your website (depending on your website and your expertise, you may need to get your web developer to help with this part)

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