Copywriting Hacks

This is my 115th Friday blog.

Yesterday, I looked back at my first ever blog and realised how crap it was. And it made me realise how much I’ve learnt about writing over the past 4 years.

So today, I’m sharing 3 copywriting hacks – the 3 resources that have changed the way we write at Likeable.

1. How to sell the crap out of anything (by Dane Maxwell)

I loved this 10-step guide so much, we made a simplified version of it at Likeable and called it the anatomy of a blog.

2. The 16-part snackable writing course (Enchanting Marketing)

This 16 day mini-course is full of helpful copywriting shortcuts. Enchanted also offer an in-depth copywriting course. Well worth the US$2k investment.

3. Hemingway app

This app makes you a better writer. Copy and paste any text into the app, and it will show you were you’re going wrong. Copy and paste the words from your website homepage to check it out for yourself.

Need help to improve your copywriting effort? Meet with us.