Are your contact details holding your business back?

Do you run your business using only your mobile phone?

While running your business using your mobile is fine, having only your mobile phone number listed on your website certainly has a negative impact on the first impression your business makes.

Listing only your mobile phone number indicates:

  • There’s no one else to answer the phone if you’re busy
  • You’re small or you’re starting out (even if it’s not true!)
  • It will cost money to call you (more than a local call anyway)

If you’re looking for business, why would you put the above barriers in the way of your potential customers?

Two options if you don’t have a landline 

  1. Get an 0800 number and have this forward to your mobile (mine costs just $20 per month from vodafone)
  2. Get an online number from skype that forwards to your mobile (this can be an 09 number for example)

If you’re really stuck, you could list your home phone number (if you have one) as an after hours number. This way at least you are offering some sort of perceived alternative to your mobile phone.

Remember, you want to be the easiest business to deal with so the perception you create around your ease-of-contact is important.

How do you run your business from your mobile phone? Feel free to add your 5 cents below.