Are my in-laws your next customer?

Usually about this time of year we start getting lots of family visiting from the UK. The weather warms up and they flock to NZ. Funny that ?. Not that I’m complaining, I love having family visit.

First up for the summer, my in-laws. They’ve been out several times and like to make the most of what NZ has to offer. A trip to White Island, coffee at the best cafes, discovering local markets and exploring the beautiful walks.

My in-laws are quite tech savvy and do a fair bit of research on what to do while they’re here.  They often find themselves on websites finding out all they can about a business to make sure they’re choosing the right one. They’ll even check their Facebook page to get a personal view of the business (told you they were with the times).

And when they’re in research mode, they’re looking for easy to read, snippets of info. Info that will answer their questions, cure their curiosity or help them make decisions that they feel happy with.

If you’re one of those businesses, now is the time you want to strike and capture them.

When I say strike, I mean be ready with a attention-capturing information that the reader can’t help themselves but click on to read more. A great way to do that is with blog articles.

Providing your potential customer with useful, helpful information in the form of a blog has so many benefits. Here are just five of them.

#1 To build trust you must give your potential customer valuable information they can learn and use for themselves.

#2 To become personable you must show your more relaxed side. Introduce staff, tell personal stories, report on the latest industry news.

#3 Get ranked better by Google. By giving your website constant new material (and using the right keywords) Google will love (and reward) you for it.

#4 You’ll get social media content that you can use across your platforms, with the aim of sending people to your website.

And #5 once people have hit your website, you now have the opportunity to remarket to them via social media.

Writing a blog can be quite daunting, but once you’ve learnt the basics can be very powerful. It helps people (like my in-laws) find you, get to know you and eventually buy from you.

If you’re looking for fresh material to get people visiting your website, maybe starting a blog is the answer?

And if time constraints won’t allow you to write one yourself, that’s where we come in.


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