Alarming Results ?

Wondering what makes a good email campaign?

If so, you’ll know there are plenty of stats you can measure:

  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Unsubscribes

But for anyone selling services, there’s another metric that’s even more valuable.


Take our client Be Alarmed.

They’ve installed security systems for a bunch of local clients over the past 14 years.

But what they’ve not been able to do is set up a simple (non-labour intensive) process to contact their clients about getting their security serviced. Until last week that is.

Now they send an automated email on the anniversary of the security system being installed.

And from the first lot of emails sent, they had 11 replies in 2 days.

  • 2 saying ‘thanks for heads up’
  • 1 saying ‘please update my contact details’
  • 1 saying ‘we’ve moved, come round’
  • 1 saying ‘we want an upgrade’
  • 6 saying ‘yes please or we need your help with something else’

Not bad huh.

Turns out about half the people who responded wanted a service. But the email also prompted other opportunities. We were on and off their to do list in less time than it takes to make a cup of english breakfast.

And the best thing is, now the automation is set up, the replies should keep rolling in all year round.

Could email automation work for your business?

If so, we can help – just hit reply (see what I did there?)

Cheers, Sophie