Advent Calendar Conundrum

I have 3 advent calendars at my place.

One for each Son.

Our youngest pays little attention to the date and has eaten all of his chocolates already.

On the other hand, our eldest hasn’t eaten any yet, he’s thinking long-term and saving them all up for Christmas day.

But thankfully our middle Son is following convention, eating one each day like you’re meant to – but don’t get me started on the whole chocolate for breakfast thing.

Anyway, all this advent calendar activity got me thinking – digital marketing is a lot like chocolate consumption.

You don’t want to have such a short-term focus, that you’re operating hand to mouth. But you also don’t want to think so far into the future that you starve yourself in the here and now.

You see, social media is the here and now. It’s important for building awareness and it’s almost immediate. But a Facebook post you do today won’t matter in 2 years, or even 2 days time.

And blogging and search engine optimisation are the complete opposite. They’re the long game. The results aren’t instant, but they’re worth it if you plan to be around in a few years time.

As is always the case, moderation is the key. Balancing out the short term social media posts with the longer term stuff that will matter in a year or two from now.

This year’s pretty much done, but if you’d like to talk about your approach for next year, short and long-term, let’s talk.

~ Dan

ps – special thanks to our amazing customers, rock star team and supportive friends and families. Have an awesome holiday period.