89 prospects in 8 months

Ezyline build transportable homes.

They cost up to $185k, depending on the plan.

But when it comes to sales, it’s a long process – because it’s hard to know when people will be ready to buy.

So to address this, we worked with Ezyline to create an ebook.

We called it ‘The Compact Guide To Transportable Housing‘.

It’s 12 pages long, and anyone can get it for free by entering their email address on the ezyline website.

Ezyline’s ebook covers topics like; the difference between kitset and prefab homes, what’s involved in transporting a house, and a bunch of other helpful stuff (you get the idea).

Anyway, since January this year, Ezyline have had 89 people enter their email address to get the ebook.

That’s 89 people who are interested in spending up to $185k.

And that’s with no promotion at all. We simply added it to Ezyline’s website. That’s it.

Without the ebook, those 89 people would have browsed Ezyline’s website, left, and moved on with their busy lives – never to be seen again.

But now, and because of the ebook, Ezyline has a list of 89 prospects they can reach by email.

To build trust. To demonstrate why they’re the best choice when the time is right.

And I’d bet my bottom dollar that some of those prospects will turn into customers.

So if your customers don’t buy from you straight away, then adding an ebook to your website is a no-brainer.

At Likeable, we can create an ebook for your business, add it to your website, and help you build a list of prospects.

The first step is to meet with us.