6 tips to grow your organic reach on Instagram

Let’s talk organics.

Starting with fruit and veges. You know, that dark corner of the supermarket where the produce looks a little smaller and less perfect – and costs more. But what it lacks in looks it makes up for in taste?

Well let’s put the fruit and vege aside and move onto the organics of social media marketing. Unlike organic produce, organic reach on Instagram costs nothing. But … it is all the sweeter because of it. And you could argue, like organic products, it’s more natural. (Cue the Faberge Organic Shampoo TV ad from the 80s: “They’ll tell two friends… and they’ll tell two friends… and so on, and so forth…”)

If a friend or family member gives a product or service the thumbs up, you’re more likely to trust it, right? With paid reach you do get the luxury of targeting the exact audience you want to. But it comes at a cost.

Both organic and paid reach have their merits but who doesn’t like getting something for free?

With the Facebook and Instagram algorithms out to thwart organic reach, it’s getting harder and harder to take a bite from the cherry that is organic reach. But there are still ways you can grow your organic reach, if you’re savvy.

Here are our Top 6 Tips for growing your Instagram account organically

1.Use hashtags

Hashtags catalogue posts so other Instagram users can easily find content they are interested in. So, not only do hashtags get your content in front of more people, they get it in front of the right people. We recommend using all 30 for every post. Try 20 standard hashtags that reflect your business service or product and then create 10 unique hashtags per post to really target specific interests.

2. Give people more of what they like

Look at which posts are getting the most likes, comments and shares. And do more of them! Clue: Instagram is very much a visual platform. Think breath-taking images that make people stop in their tracks. And video, because it autoplays and that gets people’s attention. The average time someone looks at an Instagram post is 2 seconds, so make it count!

3. Be a storyteller

That row of circles at the top of your Instagram feed – you want to be in it. All. The. Time. While stories don’t feed the algorithm, they are the most popular content on Instagram and is most likely what users view first when stepping onto the platform. Supplementing your regular posts with stories will keep your brand front and centre.

4. Be a giver, not a taker

Social media is a two-way thing. Interact with other accounts to spread the love. That means spending some time each day liking and commenting on other people’s posts that are in your space. Be that the hashtags you use, industry sector, or simply acknowledging the people who reach out to you. Because nothing good ever comes from a ‘take, take, take’ attitude.

5. Tag key accounts

Photos, stories … tag them all! But make it relevant. Only tag accounts you’d like to be featured on and don’t overdo it. Tag the full quota (20) and you might come across as desperate and disingenuous. Tag a select few and you are more likely to form genuine connections.

6. Be yourself

No-one likes a faker. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get a little help. If you can’t be ‘you’, get someone else to do it who knows how to be you! If you have a social media agency looking after your Instagram account, be clear about your key messages and tone of voice. If it’s well-executed, it will still reflect your brand values. And you’re still in the wings directing the show right?

So, back to the organic produce analogy. Be natural, be niche and find that sweet spot. But remember that organic reach takes a bit more nurturing. So you will almost certainly need to fertilise it with paid reach.

Need some more guidance on growing your Instagram page? Have a chat with us.