5 reasons why you should start a business in Tauranga

This article is based on a recent presentation by Brett Roberts, CEO of Wharf 42

Tauranga has been called many things.

It’s been called ‘god’s waiting room’ thanks to it’s older population. It’s also been referred to as ‘$10 Tauranga’, a reflection of the low wage rate. But dispite the criticism, there’s something you might not know…

Tauranga is an awesome place to start your business.

Here’s why:

  1. Tauranga is like Switzerland. It’s independent of the big city stigma and rivalry that’s centered around Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Come to Tauranga, get stuff done, avoid the drama of big city politics.
  2. Meetings are a piece of cake. Everyone is connected by 2 degrees of separation in Tauranga which means a meeting with the right person can be arranged in a couple of days rather than weeks.
  3. Cash is readily available. The Enterprise Angels investor group in Tauranga is the largest angel investment group in NZ (yes, it has more members than the other, bigger cities) and they recently posted this article BEGGING for more start up companies.
  4. It’s a sweet place to live. You’re probably starting a business to retire early or enjoy life a little more,  why not live in paradise while you do it?
  5. It’s easier to make an impact. Tauranga is a small pond by comparison to bigger cities – enough said.

Interested in launching a business in tauranga? Let me help you settle in – I can also introduce you to key contacts in the business community.

Other sources of reference:

What’s your Tauranga business story?