5 reasons to invest in social media marketing

You’ve heard about social media, you’ve been on it, seen how it’s worked for other businesses, but you’re not sure that social media marketing is the right move for your business?

We get it. It’s new, it’s unpredictable and it can seem like a bit of a daunting task.

But the stats don’t lie. According to a recent survey, online adults aged 18-34 are most likely to follow a brand they like on social media, and 3 out of 4 people look to social media before purchasing from a company.

Due to this, many companies are taking social media more seriously and looking at it as a real growth opportunity.

It’s cheap, it’s fast and you can get a heck of a return on investment if you do it right.

Now, we know that making the decision to put extra budget into social media marketing is no easy task. It requires a lot of thinking and weighing up of your options. And often, you might question whether spending all this money is REALLY going to be worth it for your business?

To make things easier, we have put a list together of our top 5 reasons to invest in social media marketing. Let’s dive right in:

You can target a specific audience

The beauty of social media marketing is that you can create targeted adverts that reach a specific audience. You can select people based on their occupation, skills, likes, dislikes, region and much, much more. This means that you aren’t wasting any money on advertising to the wrong people. Instead, you are attracting dream customers/clients to your page everyday.

It increases your brand awareness

Social media is a great platform to show off the more humane side of your business. You can talk about your staff, your culture, the reason behind your business and bring your customers in on the journey. This acts as an integral touchpoint for customers to understand who you are and what you do before they purchase from you.

You can provide better customer service

With the nature of social media being 24/7 and well, social, you will get a lot of customers interacting with you directly at all times of the day. From asking questions to giving real-time reviews and feedback. This gives you an opportunity to respond quickly to any queries and thank your customers for their support, instead of them having to wait to talk to a customer service representative during office hours.

It’s cost effective

Advertising on social media is a lot cheaper compared to traditional marketing methods. The best part is that you can run both organic (free) and paid campaigns at once. There’s really no rules on this. So if you’re on a tight budget, you can just put money on content that is going to drive sales and leads, and leave the more engaging posts as organic.

It gives you access to invaluable customer data

When you start advertising, or even just posting on social media, you will start to see data populate. This tells you the audience you’re reaching, how many people have liked each post, the biggest cities that engage with your content, how many times people click on your links and much, much more. This data is invaluable, as it will provide you with up-to-the-minute customer insights, which you can use to steer business decisions going forward.

And there you have it, 5 reasons to invest in social media marketing. If you want to learn the benefits of hiring a social media marketing agency – click here to read our previous blog.

If this still seems a little confusing and you’d like to have a chat with some experts, get in touch with us! We are a team of social media nerds that would love to help your business see the benefits of this amazing form of marketing.

Until next time…stay Likeable!