4 Tips For Instagram Marketing Success

New to Instagram? Read my introduction to Instagram article first.

On my hand: 4 Instagram marketing tips

For this article I interviewed Shaye Woolford from On My Hand in Tauranga. Shaye has over 1700 followers on Instagram – below are her top 4 tips for Instagram marketing success.

1. Produce art.

Take beautiful photos that don’t need a filter to look good.

It annoys me when colours aren’t true because of a filter being applied, especially for food and floral photography when colours are super important.

2. Be yourself.

Have fun. Be creative. Be real. Be interesting.

If your Instagram posts aren’t any of the above then they risk being boring. [article continues below…]


3. Don’t go overboard with hashtags.

I’ve read a lot about how the explore page of Instagram works, and how you can give yourself the best chance of being featured.

Long story short, the experts I follow all suggest that using more than 10 hashtags significantly decreases your chance of getting profiled on this page.

Rather than going crazy with hashtags, I like to use my hashtags as a way of categorising my different services, check out #onmyhandflora and #onmyhandstyling to see what I mean.

4. Focus on timing.

Think about who you want to reach and what they’ll be doing during the day/night.

For my followers I find early evening works well for generating a response, but every audience is different, so experiment to find what works best.


A special thanks to Shaye for giving up her time to provide the tips above. Follow @onmyhand on Instagram.