3 tips for handling negative comments on your Facebook page

But first…

Negative comments aren’t always a bad thing!

  • Because they’re an opportunity for you to turn a negative situation into a positive one (if handled well)
  • And if it’s in response to something you’ve posted, it shows that the topic is captivating (see my article, why your business needs to upset people)

So what should you say when some puts negative feedback on your Facebook page?

First off, here’s what NOT to do when someone places negative feedback

  • Delete the comment
    • This only fuels the fire. If your customer is upset enough to place a negative comment then they WILL notice if you delete it. And worst of all, they’ll attack you for deleting the comment in addition to the initial problem
  • Ignore the comment
    • How you handle this situation is on display for all to see. If you ignore the comment you’ll destroy your trust, and worse yet – the complainer will feel that you simply don’t care (regardless of whether you do or not)

Here are 3 tips for handling negative comments on Facebook

  1. Respond quickly (don’t delay or let any further momentum build up)
  2. Thank them for sharing their opinion
  3. Sign off with you name (so the complainer know’s they’re dealing with a real person who actually cares)

An example of what to say to a negative facebook comment

  • “I’m sorry you feel that way John, and thanks for sharing your opinion, it’s appreciated – Dan”

I like to think of handling tricky situations like this as a test, so are you and your business going to rise to the challenge?

ps – If it’s a really tricky situation, it’s best practice to take the conversation offline and contact your complainer via phone to resolve the issue (but be sure to return to the Facebook comment to post once it’s been resolved)

Good luck!