Trendjacking for Dummies: When to Jump In

If you’re anything like us, it can feel like there is a new trend every time you log onto social media, making the art of trendjacking more crucial than ever.

Yep… trends move fast! They can emerge and disappear within a matter of days.

Platforms like TikTok have accelerated the lifecycle of trends, making it more tempting for brands to hop on the latest bandwagon to stay relevant. However, trendjacking—the practice of leveraging current trends for marketing—can be a double-edged sword. 

While it offers the potential for increased visibility and engagement, it can also lead to audience fatigue or even damage a brand’s reputation if not executed thoughtfully. 😬

Girl scrolling her social media feed trying to engage with a trendjacking post


The Speed of Trends: Understanding the Fast-Paced World of Trendjacking

You may be asking, what’s the point in trying to jump onto a trend anyway? 

It’s simple… VIRALITY. 

Yep, it’s all about trying to get as many eyes on your content as possible. 

TikTok’s algorithm is designed to surface trending content rapidly, often giving rise to viral challenges, memes, and hashtags that can dominate social media for a few days or weeks but the speed at which trends come and go on TikTok is both an opportunity and a risk. 

Brands need to be agile enough to catch a trend at its peak but also mindful that jumping on a trend too late can make them appear out of touch and dare we say… cringe?! 

It’s a super fine balance. 

Finding this easy? Well, here comes the hard part.

When to Jump on a Trend: Keys to Successful Trendjacking

There are a few key things that can help you decide if jumping on a trend is the right move for you and your business. 

1. Is it in Your DNA?

Before you do anything, ask yourself if the trend aligns with your brand’s core values and messaging.

For example, the recent “Very Mindful, Very Demure” trend which we spoke about here, was a great example of how when a trend resonates with these two things, it can be a fantastic opportunity to connect on a deeper level with your audience.

We saw major fashion and beauty brands like Ssense, Maybelline, and Marc Jacobs quickly jump on this trend, and it worked because it aligned perfectly with the companies’ core values and identities.

2. Know Your Audience

Sure, if your audience is full of TikTok-loving Gen Zs, a viral dance challenge might just break the internet, but this isn’t for everyone… let’s be honest, this isn’t for most people. 

So before you make the 64-year-old CEO of your company try to do the Apple Dance, reflect on who your audience really is. 

Remember, your social media content should always be tailored to the people you’re trying to impress.

Because Martin from Accounting probably doesn’t care about having a Brat Summer.  

3. Scroll Your Feed and Call It Research

Timing is crucial in trendjacking. 

Jumping in early can position your brand as a trendsetter while being late to the game can make your content seem stale. 

We know it’s tricky when the expiry date on trends isn’t actually visible, but trust us, it’s worth checking your content is still hot before you serve it up to your viewers.

Monitor trends closely to identify the right moment to act. This part is fun because you can scroll your feed and call it ‘research’.😉


When to Hold Back: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Trendjacking

1. Ensuring Authenticity in Your Trendjacking

Not every trend will be a fit for your brand, and forcing it can alienate your audience. If a trend doesn’t feel authentic or relevant to your brand, it’s better to pass it on than risk appearing insincere. 

You’d be surprised how quickly audiences can spot disingenuous content.

2. Keeping Your Trendjacking Fresh and Engaging

Overusing trends can turn your content from fresh to stale, leaving your audience bored. 

When every brand jumps on the same bandwagon, it’s easy for a trend to lose its sparkle. 

To keep things lively, mix it up with original content and don’t be afraid to let some trends pass you by. Throw in a bit of videography or some snazzy motion graphics to keep your social media game strong and add in some diversity to your content. 


So, What Have We Learned About Trendjacking?

Trendjacking can be powerful but risky—it’s crucial to ensure the trend aligns with your brand. If it feels forced, it may come across as trying too hard or even a bit cringe. 

Don’t jump on a trend just because it’s popular; make sure it resonates with your followers. 

Timing is everything—too early, and people won’t get it; too late, and you risk looking like a copycat. 

And not every trend is worth chasing; sometimes, the best move is to stay true to your brand and wait for the next opportunity.

Need help navigating the fast-paced world of social media trends? Let’s craft something viral together!

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