Why Kiwi Brands Should Have Pinterest on Their Radar

Tired of the same old social media platforms? Yeah… we get it! Trying to break into the over-saturated market of Facebook or Instagram can be hard. But what about Pinterest?


It may just be the hidden gem your brand needs. 


Pinterest is so much more than just a place for DIY projects, Pinterest is actually a powerful tool for business. It’s a visual search engine that offers a unique way to reach, inspire, and convert your audience.


So, why should New Zealand brands be jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon? 


Pins Aren’t Going Anywhere

There is no denying that social media is fast-paced, especially in 2024, where trends appear and disappear daily! 

Working hard on content that disappears in what feels like an instant can be frustrating but that’s where Pinterest is different. It’s kind of like a time capsule for your content. 

This means that branded content has a higher chance of being discovered and shared over time. This organic reach can lead to significant brand awareness and position your company as a first thought in your niche.


Your Target Market’s Pinning Away

Pinterest boasts a rapidly growing user base, with millions of active users worldwide. This offers brands a massive opportunity to reach a highly engaged audience. 

Plus, Pinterest users are shoppers! Around 85% of people who use the platform weekly make purchases from pins they’ve seen or pinned. 

Studies show they’re more likely to make purchases after discovering products on Pinterest compared to other social media channels. 


So….are you rushing to get on Pinterest yet!?


It’s All About Strategy, Baby!

Success on Pinterest isn’t just about pinning randomly. Brands need a strategic approach to ensure their profiles are optimised for discoverability. 


Here’s what it takes:

  1. Using relevant keywords

  2. High-quality product images

  3. Clear descriptions

  4. Create well-organised boards with clear titles

  5. Organic posting

  6. Paid advertising


Campaign assets should be crafted with a touch of pizzazz to speak directly to your performance goals. 


Here are some key elements:


1. Clear calls to action (CTAs)

No one likes a beat around the bush. Tell users exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for your newsletter.


2. Inspiring product imagery

Use high-quality visuals that capture attention and make your products look sexy! (We can help with this 😉). Consider using professional photography or videography to create visually stunning content that will make users drool.


3. Ad Formats for a Full Funnel Media Strategy

Want to nail your Pinterest marketing campaign? Think of it like a first date – you need to catch their eye, keep them intrigued, and finally seal the deal. Use a mix of ad formats to snag attention, charm your leads, and close those conversions!


4. Awareness Stage 

Video Ads: Capture attention and showcase your brand’s unique value proposition. Consider using short, engaging videos that highlight your product or service’s key features and add some spice (no.. not that spice 😉) to your ad. 


5. Consideration Stage 

Carousel Ads: Show off a range of products or features in one ad. Let users swipe through and easily compare to find their perfect match.

Collection Ads: Assemble a themed collection of products or services making it easy to discover what floats your customer’s boat. 


6. Conversion Stage

Lead Generation Ads: Collect valuable information from potential customers, such as email addresses or contact details, for future marketing efforts.

Product Ads: Showcase your products with all the juicy deets – pricing, availability, and reviews.  Because your customers deserve to know that your product is the crème de la crème, the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees. 

Lead Generation Ads: Snag those coveted email addresses and contact details.

In a nutshell, think knockout visuals, snappy messaging, and a mix of ad formats to hit every goal and turn those pins into wins (sorry but we had to 😂). 


Our Hot Take:

Unlike the fleeting buzz of other social platforms, Pinterest is your content’s forever home. It keeps your brand in the spotlight long after the trend of the moment has faded. With a shopper-hungry audience and a knack for turning ideas into sales, Pinterest is your go-to for making a lasting impression. Don’t forget to get strategic with your pins and watch as your brand goes from “Hmm, interesting” to “OMG, NEED!” 


So… have we convinced your Kiwi brand to jump onto Pinterest yet? Give us a bell and we can chat all things Pinterest!


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